MetroLink Structure Inspection Program

Juneau Associates, Inc., P.C. was selected as the Prime Consultant by Metro to inspect and evaluate Metro’s existing structures including all retaining walls, culverts, stations, tunnels, and bridge structures along the 45.3 miles of track alignment.

The team’s tasks include the following:

1. Review current data.
2. Develop a safe and efficient Inspection Plan.
3. Perform the MetroLink Structures Inspections.
4. Update and enhance Metro’s Structures Inspection GeoDatabase.

Metro’s structures consist of 5,457 feet of culverts, 11,851 feet of tunnels, 25,564 feet of bridge structures, and almost 16 miles of retaining walls. Due to the large number of structures, these inspections were conducted over a four-year period. During the first year, retaining walls and bridges were evaluated along the Cross County alignment.

Due to the large number of structures and the amount of information that is gathered during these inspections, organizing inspection information was greatly aided by the electronic database Juneau developed for this project during the previous four-year Structure Inspection Program with Metro.

Subconsultants for this project include TSi Engineering, Inc., Pillar Design Group, Inc. and Modjeski & Masters, Inc.