Riverlands Sanctuary Orientation Center | Parks & Recreation |West Alton, Illinois

Located along the Mississippi River in West Alton, Missouri, this Army Corps of Engineers Riverlands Sanctuary Orientation Center is a 4,200-square-foot facility devoted to educating visitors on the migratory patterns of North American migratory birds and their habitats.

As a subconsultant to Trivers Associates, Juneau provided surveying and engineering services for the building expansion to the Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary Orientation Center. Although decisions were made by the owner not to register the building for LEED certification, the architectural/engineering design of the building would have provided for Silver Certification had it been registered. Examples of the sustainable site credits that would have been associated with the project, include pervious pavement, rain gardens, fuel efficient vehicle parking, bicycle racks, cisterns for stormwater collection, inclusion of 50 percent native plantings and white roofing for reduced heat island effect.